Over the weekend, I saw the movie Julie and Julia. I loved the food, and the romance of it all, and Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, but something in particular inspired me about it. The idea that writing and having a blog to hold her accountable basically changed Julie's life.
Not that my life needs a total overhaul, but, I admit I find myself a bit dull. So, I'm going to take the fledgling thoughts of my last post, and make it bigger. In the next year, starting next week, I am going to get a life, and I'm gonna tell you all (yep, all 3 of you, lol) about it.
Here's the plan:
- I'm giving myself a year deadline. This is partly a rip-off of the movie, and partly just a logical timeline. It makes sense to have a life a little over a year after graduation, and it seems like enough time to become a genuinely interesting person.
- Every week, I'm going to have 2 adventures of some sort. Now, some of these will be small adventures, like eating a new kind of food, and others will be much bigger, like the modern dance class I am signing up for. The criteria is just that it be something that could potentially enrich my existence, and that it be something that's out of the ordinary for me.
- I will blog about it. This guarantees at least 2 posts a week, but seems like it would necessitate more to describe prep, any after effects, etc.
In summary:
- Love Meryl Streep.
- I intend to accomplish 104 things in 52 days.
- Hopefully this will super fun, and not super lame.
- Please leave questions, comments, advice and ideas!
First of all, I think it's an amazing idea. And good for you for going for it full-throttle.
Secondly, I believe that one of these adventures should include coming up to the NY/NJ area and seeing an old friend. Say, one Jennifer from a certain show you once did in high school.
Yes, I'm using your life-chaning plan as a way to see you. Deal. :-P
-Jenn (Rosalia)
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