Sunday, August 30, 2009

Pretty Pretty Flowers: Evidence of Adventure 1

On Wednesday during my lunch break at work, I set out in search of my real favorite flower.  My previous method for having chosen this oh so important thing in a woman's life was... dubious.  Luckily, there's a flower shop at 11th and U (short walk from my office) that I'd walked past, so it was an easily remedied problem.

It's gorgeous on the outside...

...And, they have pets! Three dogs I believe, and a cat named Lily, who was the only one awake enough to greet me.  Actually, that's pretty false. Pam was wide awake, and incredibly helpful. When I told her that I'd never chosen a favorite flower, she was appropriately aghast. So we talked about all the possibilities, and she recommended a few things. Take note ladies if you ever need to choose a flower:
  1. Pick something that's in season more than a few months. Apparently this is a real hardship for very earnest young men, who can't get phone numbers without flowers that are unavailable.
  2. Choose something that's economical. Another hardship. 
  3. Pick a statement flower, but keep it simple. Pam seems very Zen in her flower choices- she likes to put a single lily in a vase (I like lilies), or add a bit of eucalytus. I think one of these days I'll try that, or hyacinth, since she raved about the smell.
  4. Try different things. This is just good advice for life. So, I am keeping an open mind, per her sage advice. 

But, at this particular moment, I have chosen!

In the front are Pam's favorite, lilies. Calla lilies on the left, and asiatic lilies on the right. And there, in the back, are my favorites. It seems that my gut was correct, even if she's a bit illogical.
Gladiolas are just as elegant and striking as they sound. (Isn't it nice when words fit their objects?)

And so concludes adventure 1. I bought some, and they are currently sitting on my kitchen counter. Good times.


Dana said...

Yay! I'm happy that your adventure turned out so well. I am another person who doesn't know what her favorite flower is, so maybe after all this moving craziness I'll take the time and try to find out mine. Can't wait to see pics of the tree climbing outing!