Hello all!
Firstly, I just want to say thanks to everyone who reads this. I'm having a lot of fun writing it, which is basically what matters to the only child in me, but it's good to know that someone is reading and enjoying, versus me putting un-fun chatter into cyberspace. Actually, it seems like several folks are reading. Score!
I want to go for a walk in the beautiful weather outside, so this shall be a quick lunchtime check-in.
Nags: I am missing several pieces of pop culture that must be you-tubed or Hulued. (I have no idea how I'd spell that last one. Yes, I realize it's my own fault for making up verbs.) Namely, Whitney Houston's interview with Oprah and Kanye West's interview on Jay Leno. I'm super duper curious about both, and the snippets I heard from Whitney's were pretty deep. I have got to get on it.
Brags: I just had the BEST.SANDWICH.EVER. Well, maybe not ever, but what's a blog without a touch of hyperbole? It was turkey and avocado and had swiss cheese, and I'm so FULL. But not that uncomfy full, where you feel like you should be wearing stretch pants and be near a pillow. That satisfied full where all is right with the world. The kind I'd grant to all those starving children in Africa my aunt used to talk about when she wanted me to finish my food. The good kind, lol. I hadn't made myself a sandwich in a good minute, and clearly my socks have been rocked.
Note: this is not my sandwich, but I think blogs with pictures are more fun, and this one has the right idea.
Okay folks, I know this wasn't the most riveting post ever, but I had fun anyway, hope you did too. After all, when is talking about food not awesome?!
OH! Adventure update-
- I start modern dance class this week! On Thursday! Yay! It will either be so much fun, or so much humiliation. More likely some combo of the two, lol.
- I have every intention of making sushi on Saturday, now that funds are not too tight to buy ingredients.
- I'm thinking something cultural for the 3rd one. The DC Short Film Fest is still around til Thursday. Perhaps I can convince a co-worker to come with, or go post dance if the dance buddy is down. We'll see. If not that... something, lol. I am NOT feeling being behind schedule.