Well, not really, but thought I'd add it separately in the interest of brevity:
Nags: Ummmm, I dunno. I'm feeling pretty good today. Just for the sake of putting one out there, I suppose I'll mention the shenanigans of my people that seemed to dominate the weekend. Now let it be known that I'm so over the whole "you just set us ALL back 100 years" (why is it always a whoooole century btw?!). And I think we're past the age where one of us represents everyone, assuming you're not in a classroom at Duke (a digression I'll avoid). But, let's just be honest, there are stereotypes about us acting a fool, and I do think it's nice when we keep it classy- ie not scaring tennis refs or damaging teenage girls.
Apparently she's apologized now. Good job, though I thought she would anyway. I mean, again, it was not okay, but I like to think she just got caught up in the emotion of the game. At least it's not habitual for her to say crazy stuff in public.
Brags: While we're talking about famous Black folk, Beyonce was so classy. I'm glad she righted her friend's wrong.
On a personal note: Like I said, today is a good day. It's been a productive lunch hour, what with 2 updates and whatnot, and now I'm gonna get back to writing a memo for my new intern! (Well, she's not just mine, but I'm excited anyway!) Also, I am wearing a skirt I haven't fit since freshman year of college. That's pretty great too.
Well folks, like I said, gonna get back to work now. Laters!
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