Wow, I managed to digress in the title. Not sure if that's impressive or ADD of me.
Adventure updates:
- It's day 3 of the brighter lipstick wearing. And I think it's growing on me. Enough that I intend to post a pic this evening. Assuming that I remember to do so and don't pass out directly after dinner...
- Still no clue about what adventure #2 of the week is going to be. Last week was a bit expensive, and due to the "super-duper move-out savings plan", and losing track of my Metro trip smart card (grrrrrrr to reloading money) times are tight. But, I bet I can find an adventure for cheap/free.
- Today is the last day to vooooote! So far it looks like I'm making sushi! I'll get Mom in on this one I suspect. And try to avoid health code violations. Wish me luck! Or, change your votes. Either way, I'm game.
Nags: Back to school traffic. Ugh! It's definitely extended the commute, and though I support education, I wish kids were homeschooled. (I know that's selfish, but it's MY nag.)
Brags: I got to wear my yellow trench coat today! Such fun! That coat and my galoshes (which I didn't wear today, but probably should have) definitely make rainy days a bit better.
K. That was my 15 minute brain break. Back to werrrrrk (Blocker and Okolie, 2009).
your blog is awesome SAM-ant-HA! we should get together, I work this weekend, but am free next weekend.. how does that sound?
It sounds good, assuming you are who I think you are, anonymous veteran, lol. And even if you're not, thanks for reading!
My friends came up with sarcasm carrots to use when typing. They work just ^great^.
Okay, so I know I used them around "great" showing sarcasm, but they do, in fact, work great. We tried to get them into the mainstream, but it never caught on. Maybe your blog could be the catalyst!
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