Thursday, October 8, 2009

Getting back into this blogging thing...

I have been quite absent. There are many things to write about, and I need to assess the adventure tally and figure out how far behind I am.

But for the moment, I shall start with a simple check in.


  • I need to invest in clothes: warm weather office attire is becoming a must. Actually I just need clothes that fit. 
  • Also need to invest in a phone that is consistently functioning.
  • I missed mingling with Dukies yesterday. Muy triste...

  • Pumpkin spice lattes make my life. I think I like them more than most men I've dated.
  • I have business cards! Yay!
  • Dance class tonite! Love it!
  • Did I mention pumpkin spice lattes rock?

Monday, October 5, 2009

I have apparently joined the twitterverse, despite remaining reluctant.

Also I owe anyone still paying attention a myriad of updates. Sorry... having a life got in the way of writing about said life.  But I'll get back on it ASAP.
Just not right now...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy Lunch Hour!

Hello all!

Firstly, I just want to say thanks to everyone who reads this. I'm having a lot of fun writing it, which is basically what matters to the only child in me, but it's good to know that someone is reading and enjoying, versus me putting un-fun chatter into cyberspace. Actually, it seems like several folks are reading. Score! 

I want to go for a walk in the beautiful weather outside, so this shall be a quick lunchtime check-in.

Nags: I am missing several pieces of pop culture that must be you-tubed or Hulued. (I have no idea how I'd spell that last one. Yes, I realize it's my own fault for making up verbs.) Namely, Whitney Houston's interview with Oprah and Kanye West's interview on Jay Leno. I'm super duper curious about both, and the snippets I heard from Whitney's were pretty deep. I have got to get on it.
Brags: I just had the BEST.SANDWICH.EVER. Well, maybe not ever, but what's a blog without a touch of hyperbole? It was turkey and avocado and had swiss cheese, and I'm so FULL. But not that uncomfy full, where you feel like you should be wearing stretch pants and be near a pillow. That satisfied full where all is right with the world. The kind I'd grant to all those starving children in Africa my aunt used to talk about when she wanted me to finish my food. The good kind, lol. I hadn't made myself a sandwich in a good minute, and clearly my socks have been rocked.

Note: this is not my sandwich, but I think blogs with pictures are more fun, and this one has the right idea.

Okay folks, I know this wasn't the most riveting post ever, but I had fun anyway, hope you did too. After all, when is talking about food not awesome?!

OH! Adventure update-
  1. I start modern dance class this week! On Thursday! Yay! It will either be so much fun, or so much humiliation. More likely some combo of the two, lol. 
  2. I have every intention of making sushi on Saturday, now that funds are not too tight to buy ingredients.
  3. I'm thinking something cultural for the 3rd one. The DC Short Film Fest is still around til Thursday. Perhaps I can convince a co-worker to come with, or go post dance if the dance buddy is down. We'll see. If not that... something, lol. I am NOT feeling being behind schedule.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Clearly I'm not that focused today...

Dear Co-Workers,

If any of y'all happen to read this, and check the time stamp I'm sorry. It's Monday, and I'm just not feeling this whole work thing. I'm working on my memo though honest. This whole becoming a social networking expert concept just keeps getting me sidetracked. Please don't fire me.


Alright, now that that's out of the way- just a quick update on my earlier nag- interesting perspective from Professor MAN. (If I knew how to do that thing where you start someone's post and then it finishes on their blog, I would. But, as you can see, I don't. So click it yourselves please and thanks! )

It is indeed quite possible that all of this was staged. That would have been genius marketing on MTV's part, though I hesitate to give them that much credit.
I do however, believe that cultural scripts were definitely followed. The usual folks denounced Kanye, and the usuals stuck up for him, Ms. Swift got to look aghast at the Black bogeyman, and I am quite sure many more "urban" folks are aware of her presence than previously. Gotta say though, if it was staged I think Beyonce got the best deal of the bunch. Nice way to make up for any lingering doubts about her divadom to those who remember Destiny's Child's many personnel changes and her much gossiped about role in that. I drank her Kool-aid long ago, but I saw at least one facebook status of a new convert after last night...

Okay, exiting pop culture to focus on saving the world. Gotta get something done today if I want to keep riding my non-profit high horse!

Almost Forgot!

Well, not really, but thought I'd add it separately in the interest of brevity:

Nags: Ummmm, I dunno. I'm feeling pretty good today. Just for the sake of putting one out there, I suppose I'll mention the shenanigans of my people that seemed to dominate the weekend. Now let it be known that I'm so over the whole "you just set us ALL back 100 years" (why is it always a whoooole century btw?!). And I think we're past the age where one of us represents everyone, assuming you're not in a classroom at Duke (a digression I'll avoid). But, let's just be honest, there are stereotypes about us acting a fool, and I do think it's nice when we keep it classy- ie not scaring tennis refs or damaging teenage girls.

I'm not saying I don't agree on some level, but that was CLEARLY not the time or place. Dude really made it more about himself than either woman, and that's a shame. And I've heard it compared to his comments on George Bush, but I think it's not the same, because while George could have done more than fly over New Orleans, poor Taylor didn't award herself a moon man. She was just doin' her.

Apparently she's apologized now. Good job, though I thought she would anyway. I mean, again, it was not okay, but I like to think she just got caught up in the emotion of the game. At least it's not habitual for her to say crazy stuff in public.

Brags: While we're talking about famous Black folk, Beyonce was so classy. I'm glad she righted her friend's wrong. 
On a personal note: Like I said, today is a good day. It's been a productive lunch hour, what with 2 updates and whatnot, and now I'm gonna get back to writing a memo for my new intern! (Well, she's not just mine, but I'm excited anyway!) Also, I am wearing a skirt I haven't fit since freshman year of college. That's pretty great too.

Well folks, like I said, gonna get back to work now. Laters!

Falling off the Wagon

I am most definitely slacking on these adventures. In my defense however, I had two friend dates, both of which could be seen as adventurous.

Eating Mexican food in Chinatown, it has been alleged, could truly have put my tummy in peril (all was well, thank goodness). That episode on Thursday was supposed to be an adventure, as I had plans to ask someone who appeared to have been in Chinatown when it actually was Chinatown about the area's history. Now, this could have been really fascinating, as I like random interviews, but I felt a little racist. I mean, I'll admit that I can't tell country of origin by sight, and what if the person I'd approached wasn't Chinese? Major faux pas. Or, what if a shopkeeper was just as new to the area as Urban Outfitters. I refuse to be one of those people who thinks they're all liberal and aware and PC, but then fails epically. So, rather than sounding like the kid who's "best friend is black! HONEST!", I skipped it, and ate my Chipotle.

I diiiid do some google research though. Apparently Chinatown was more of a Germantown until the 1930's, and hasn't been "authentically" Chinese since about the 80's. The city actually built the famous bridge more to commemorate what was once there rather than what is.

It's actually pretty sad to me, and yet another comment on gentrification in the District (I haven't made any on this blog to my remembrance, but it's a ponderance of mine in real life). Basically there isn't much of old Chinatown left (we looked, and so did this great photojournal). Apparently both Chocolate City and Chinatown suffer from urban renewal. Who knew?
So that I'll count as half an adventure, since I didn't totally follow through, but learned something anyway.

I also went out on Friday, and didn't get home until after midnight! I know what you're thinking "Whoooaa! Party animal!" It could be construed as an adventure, since I didn't know most of the people, and don't usually stay out that late anymore.

So together, I'll count it as 1 adventure total last week, which works since I still need to make sushi. I'll find a way to work in three this week and stay on track. Go team!

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Old Man is Snoring

This morning it was raining cats, dogs and giraffes. Yes, giraffes. It is that serious.

And I couldn't help but think, that the last time I remember having somewhere to be during such a storm, I was still at Duke. And I think I made that an e-meeting (read: a gchat conversation rather than leaving my apartment and treking across campus.) Buuut today I sat in traffic, avoided hydroplaning purely through prayer, and got to work on time. What a difference a few months makes. Suppose I'm doing that dependable thing I vowed to try post-grad.

And now to the daily vent session. (These make me feel good. How do y'all feel about it?):

Nags: I realize that this is entirely on me, and I'll fix it as of next week, but I have totally fallen off the weekday workout wagon. Shame on me. And it's a vicious cycle, because not getting those endorphins makes me sluggish, which makes me not wanna work out, and on and on. Note to self- do better.
Brags: It's a friend filled week! Yay Dukies! And yay for Chipotle not kicking us out after an extended stay. And especially yay for one of my fav sopranos relocating to the District. Awesomeness all around. Oh! And a brag on my hair withstanding the rain. That hairdresser most definitely earned her tip.

Updates on adventure count stats laterrrrr. Off to vacuum the office, lol. Ohh the joys of small non-profits. ^Exciting^***

***Note: The above carrots are now going to be used to indicate sarcasm, per the suggestion of Jenny Rose. Sarcastic carrots. I like it. Learn it, use it, spread it, love it!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time out to acknowledge the world around me

After my flurry of productivity, I've realized that I need to speak to my supervisor before proceeding. Aaaand she's in a meeting. So I'm back (isn't it wonderful?) and thought I'd comment on my President's address to Congress on health care reform.

The Good:

  • Gotta be one of his best speeches yet. It just felt good to listen to, and had I not been analyzing him (thanks to Mom's skepticism mostly) I would have been totally swept away.
  • He finally laid out what he considers to be essential to the plan, and dispelled a lot of myths. Although, some were so ludicrous I still can't believe anyone bought it. Death panels?! Really guys, come on now.
  • I agree with the plan (the broad strokes of it at least), and think that it would do what I feel should be the main goal- make sure everyone has access to coverage.
  • We're further along on this issue than ever before, and congress agrees on 80% of the content.
  • Senator Kennedy's wife seemed so touched.
  • Lady O looked lovely, per usual.
The Bad:
  • That other 20% is killer.
  • Things are still a bit fuzzy for me. I think it's partly because Congress is doing the law writing, but I wish we'd gotten more details.
  • I have a hard time believing this won't cost us a lot. Saying that the deficit won't increase seems deceptive, because I suspect premiums will still rise. On the other hand, I think it may be worth the initial cost for greater rewards later. But I hope we're being honest about it.
  • The public option (option, not takeover folks) seems really important to me, and we might be losing it.
  •  I have mixed feelings about invoking Senator Kennedy's legacy. I think it was effective and tasteful, but I always hesitate when we use those who have passed on to get anything done, even if they would support the legislation.
The Ugly:
  • Representative Joe Wilson. Enough said.
  • Actually this image says it better:

The Beautiful:
  • My President will Call.You.Out. Loved it.

Just a sidenote: between Joe Jackson and Joe Wilson, it's like all the Joe's in the world got together mid-summer and said "Hey, let's just make *sses out of ourselves in public. Ready? GO!" Clearly they both need more people.

Today is a good day...

Gooood morning blogosphere!

I am in a good mood today. The sun is out, I got to work on time with little incident, and it's Thursday! I have always loved Thursdays even more than Fridays, because on Thursday I feel like there's so much to look forward to. Not like Fridays, where there's so much expectation and pressure that you're likely setting yourself up for a letdown.

Meanwhile, the poll is closed, and I'm on schedule to make sushi! Yay!

Not a clue about this other adventure, but hoping something will spring to mind by Monday. I like to make my deadlines. (In grown-up life anyway... let's not talk about anything prior.) Next week I'm thinking dance class and DC short film fest. I'd go see a film this week, but I'm attempting frugality. *Sigh* responsibility.

And for Nags and Brags.

Nags: I really wanted the poll results to be cheesecake. I love cheesecake.
Brags: As I write this, I've already checked 2 things off of my to-do list at work! Aaaaand I'm wearing some superfly polka-dot tights, thanks to the pleasant chill in the air.

Mine are actually gray and white, but you get the idea. Yay!

Have a great day guys; I'm getting back on the productivity train. :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Adventure Updates, Plus Something New! (That was a good movie, btw)

Wow, I managed to digress in the title. Not sure if that's impressive or ADD of me.

Adventure updates:

  1. It's day 3 of the brighter lipstick wearing. And I think it's growing on me. Enough that I intend to post a pic this evening. Assuming that I remember to do so and don't pass out directly after dinner...
  2. Still no clue about what adventure #2 of the week is going to be. Last week was a bit expensive, and due to the "super-duper move-out savings plan", and losing track of my Metro trip smart card (grrrrrrr to reloading money) times are tight. But, I bet I can find an adventure for cheap/free.
  3. Today is the last day to vooooote! So far it looks like I'm making sushi! I'll get Mom in on this one I suspect. And try to avoid health code violations. Wish me luck! Or, change your votes. Either way, I'm game.
Meanwhile, I've decided I want to be one of those blogs with features and whatnot. Sooooo I'm instituting nags and brags. It's something one of my co-workers did with her teen staff over the summer, and I thought it was cute: tell one thing that's bugging you, and one thing that's rocking your socks. As of today, I plan on doing daily nags and brags, because I know you will be fascinated. Ha! (If there was a sarcastic font, I'd have been using it there.)

Nags: Back to school traffic. Ugh! It's definitely extended the commute, and though I support education, I wish kids were homeschooled. (I know that's selfish, but it's MY nag.)

Brags: I got to wear my yellow trench coat today! Such fun! That coat and my galoshes (which I didn't wear today, but probably should have) definitely make rainy days a bit better.

K. That was my 15 minute brain break. Back to werrrrrk (Blocker and Okolie, 2009).

Monday, September 7, 2009

Red lipstick... Meh.

In the interest of the budget, and getting this adventure in, and because she offered, I borrowed my mom's red-ish lipstick today. It's actually more of a wine color. In fact, it's called "wine with everything", which sounds like the Duke senior's motto for life. Ha. But I digress.

There's the color, taken right from Revlon's website. 
I'm not sure if I'm just getting used to such a wash of color or what, but I'm not head over heels about it. It rubbed off and a re-application seems wasteful, so no pics just yet. But they'll come this week. I think I'll keep playing with it, and potentially go buy my own shade. Perhaps a bit more fire-enginey.

But for the adventure tally, this counts. I definitely felt a bit more conspicuous, lol. Maybe that's the hesitation, because my makeup has been quite subdued of late.

This shall be an adventure in progress, so I'll keep you posted. I'll also let you know what the upcoming ones will be. I'll fix the food this upcoming weekend, but I gotta find a weekday activity.

Feel free to share ideas!

Oh yea, and if you haven't voted yet, do it! This one is a good race thus far.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A new metaphor for life

In front of God, my "partner in climb" (not pictured below) and the tourists on the National Mall, I climbed a tree on Friday, September 6, 2009. I discovered several things while doing this:
  1. I should remember when I'm going to take these adventures so that I won't be caught looking less than lovely on camera.
  2. I am a teensy bit afraid of heights. 
  3. Tree bark hurts a bit. 
  4. Sometimes people who come along to "help" really just want to laugh. 
  5. Tree climbing makes a good metaphor for life. Think about it- You see a tree and you think, sure, I'll climb it. Why not? Looks fun! But then it's hard, and you have no clue what you're doing, until you figure out how to put one foot in front of the other. Then of course there's the matter of getting to the top, reaching the goal, and having no clue what comes next (i.e. how to get down from the tree).
So enjoy. Get some laughs, or think deeply, either way- enjoy!
 This is me examining the tree.
Whoa! I'm the tree! Score! I'm exciiiited.

Attempt number one at getting higher, because hopping into the tree just didn't seem satisfactory. No guts no glory right?

 One word: struggle.
Still riding the struggle bus... 
But enjoying it! 
Clearly the "What am I doing with my life and what have I gotten myself into?" moment.

And now we report the news! 
(And demonstrate the results of yoga apparently, with the oddly positioned foot.)

Not pictured here is the "What happens next?" moment, where I had to figure out how to get down from the tree. It wasn't pretty, but some folks were amused. Luckily for me, the camera's battery had died, so you all only see the triumph.  Good times no?


In thinking about next weeks adventures, I kinda struggled. I'm gonna finish this week strong by buying myself some red lipstick today or tomorrow (you know Labor Day extends the week so it counts), and I signed up for dance lessons, which will be a major adventure starting mid-September, and I've climbed my treeeee (pics later today promise). But, that and being frugal leaves next week as a bit of a black hole...

And, naturally, in walked food! I've listed a few things I've always wanted to make, or been afraid to eat.

Brussel Sprouts

Egg Rolls

    I've got recipes for all of them, just gotta do the cooking, so please:
    Help me decide!

    Thanks much! Hope everyone is having a wonderful Labor Day weekend :)

    Friday, September 4, 2009

    I did it!

    Ladies and gentleman of the blogosphere and voting public, I have an announcement:

    Today, I am officially a climber of trees!

     ...Well, one tree. Still, it counts. Whoooo!

    I will post pictures of this most adventurous adventure very very soon, but per usual, I was too excited to share my joy to wait to find the camera cord!

    Monday, August 31, 2009

    "Wow, they're not slimy at all."

    Adventure number 2: SNAILS!

    Of course I mean escargot.  That's right, I ate it. And it was gooooood. Actually, French food generally is good, as I discovered on Friday evening. It was a pretty expensive discovery, but I'm gonna call it worth it.
    How on earth did this come about, you ask? The wife (a future food writer extraodinaire) took me out of my funk... straight to Brasserie Beck. Absolute deliciousness, and I loved it as soon as we were greeted by the staff upon entering. They greeted us like there was no tomorrow, and it made me smile.

    Apparently they have the best snails in the city. (I know this not, but Ms. Zagat says so, and I believe it.) And since I'd never eaten whatever sort of animal family snails belong to, and it definitely enriched my life (or at least my tummy), it totally counts as a spontaneous adventure!

    Score! Pictures below :)

    This is Duck Confit (pronounced cone-fee by the way). It was delicious, but not really the point.

    This is the point: escargot! It looks nothing like I expected.
    This is what I pictured. Not nearly as appetizing... But kinda friendly looking, no?
    But, I got over it, my anxiety, and here's proof!

    And here's Korsha, who had fewer hangups I believe, trying it out too.
    (She's laughing at me taking a pic of everything. Isn't she adorable?)

    So we ate them, and they were good- excellent even. They were tender, actually very savory, not the least bit slimy, and I'm glad I had them. I might even have them again.
    Luckily though, after the snails and duckies, we went back to much more familiar territory, though still delicious.
    This is mussels with apples and curry... 
    ...And this, is a whole bowl of FRENCH FRIES!  WHOOHOO!
    And such concluded the first week's adventures. With good old freedom fries. 
    Coming up this week, the top two votes in the poll- tree climbing (technical difficulties appear to be resolved) commences Friday. And, at some point I'll pop on some red lipstick...  Still psyching myself up for it a little, but it'll happen! And you'll read all about it! (I hope.)

    Sunday, August 30, 2009

    Pretty Pretty Flowers: Evidence of Adventure 1

    On Wednesday during my lunch break at work, I set out in search of my real favorite flower.  My previous method for having chosen this oh so important thing in a woman's life was... dubious.  Luckily, there's a flower shop at 11th and U (short walk from my office) that I'd walked past, so it was an easily remedied problem.

    It's gorgeous on the outside...

    ...And, they have pets! Three dogs I believe, and a cat named Lily, who was the only one awake enough to greet me.  Actually, that's pretty false. Pam was wide awake, and incredibly helpful. When I told her that I'd never chosen a favorite flower, she was appropriately aghast. So we talked about all the possibilities, and she recommended a few things. Take note ladies if you ever need to choose a flower:
    1. Pick something that's in season more than a few months. Apparently this is a real hardship for very earnest young men, who can't get phone numbers without flowers that are unavailable.
    2. Choose something that's economical. Another hardship. 
    3. Pick a statement flower, but keep it simple. Pam seems very Zen in her flower choices- she likes to put a single lily in a vase (I like lilies), or add a bit of eucalytus. I think one of these days I'll try that, or hyacinth, since she raved about the smell.
    4. Try different things. This is just good advice for life. So, I am keeping an open mind, per her sage advice. 

    But, at this particular moment, I have chosen!

    In the front are Pam's favorite, lilies. Calla lilies on the left, and asiatic lilies on the right. And there, in the back, are my favorites. It seems that my gut was correct, even if she's a bit illogical.
    Gladiolas are just as elegant and striking as they sound. (Isn't it nice when words fit their objects?)

    And so concludes adventure 1. I bought some, and they are currently sitting on my kitchen counter. Good times.

    Saturday, August 29, 2009

    I got it in...

    (...the second adventure that is.)

    No, I have not climbed a tree just yet. Technical difficulties continue, though they are being resolved forthwith.

    In the meantime, I managed to stay on schedule with a bit of spontaneity and the help of my wife- by that I mean platonic, non-exclusive life partner. Our motto has always been "there's always food." So, despite the fact that the sky seemed to be falling (literally, the weather was kind of gross yesterday) we brightened up the day with... SNAILS.

    That's right, I ate escargot yesterday. Most definitely counts as an adventure, and ya know what? They were darn good.

    So I have officially completed the adventure tally for the week, and owe the blogosphere some pictures! Get excited!

    Hope everyone is having an excellent weekend :)

    Friday, August 28, 2009

    Oh noooos! But then, YAY!

    Due to what we're going to call "technical difficulties," no trees were climbed yesterday. At least not by this blogger. But don't worry! We will find a way! This likely just means that the schedule will be thrown off, and 3 adventures will take place next week, rather than 2.

    In other news:

    • Praying for the Kennedy family, and the nation without the Senator's leadership.
    • Hope all the non-alum Dukies had an awesome FWOC (first week of classes).
    • Congrats to various alums starting various things recently (internships, jobs, teaching careers, grad and professional schools and the like)! We are SO impressive!
    • And on that note:
    I am officially a Research and Training Fellow at the Young Women's Project! Score!
     K. That's all. There are indeed pictures from the first adventure. And I will post them this weekend. Promise.

    Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    First adventure complete!

    Get excited guys! It really happened! What, you ask? Shame on you for not keeping up! I have completed my first adventure.

    I bought myself flowers, and they are lovely. Pictures to come, and tree climbing in less than 24 hours!


    Tuesday, August 25, 2009

    Updates on the first week of adventures!

    Tomorrow, I shall have my first adventure! I am going to a flower shop, to choose my favorite flower! Previously, I'd decided on gladiolas, but it was pretty arbitrary. I liked the name of them... Mostly the way it felt to say it. It sounded like a very sophisticated thing to have as one's favorite flower... But, it seems like there are better ways to choose this, like actually seeing and smelling the plants in person. So, off I go!

    I know some of you are wondering,

    "Did flowers suddenly become trees, and no one told me?"
    Fear not. You have not missed any memos. I'm climbing a tree (assuming I can find one, which may prove to be an adventure of its own) on Thursday. This is just easier, and I don't need assistance.

    So, look forward to pictures of the flower expedition! Get exciiiited!

    Meanwhile, if anyone happens to know where to find a good Magnolia tree in DC, feel free to drop a line. Kthanks.

    Monday, August 24, 2009

    We have a winner!

    Happy Monday Blogosphere!

    Apparently, I am climbing a tree within the next 7 days. I think I'm excited about it, but have to wonder if some of the votes weren't a teensy bit sadistic... If so, shame on y'all.

    No matter though, I have a helper and so it will be done. Tree day has been set for Thursday after work. Location to be determined, since I haven't been looking for climbable trees.

    I've promised to make these adventures documented, so I guess this will be captured on film... [Insert more apprehension here.] This is definitely going to be an adventure.

    Also, I have to come up with 1 more for the week. I'm thinking it will be a bit more chill, but I'll keep you posted!

    Wednesday, August 19, 2009

    It begins...

    I think I'm serious about this adventure thing... I have brainstormed some ideas, and am finding assistants to help get things done. Thus far, I have one person who's interested enough to comment (shout outs to Rosalia), and another who has volunteered to participate in said adventures.

    So, in the spirit of interactivity, I have put up a poll. YOU, whoever you are, get to pic my first adventure! Yes, these are all rather small things, but I gotta start somewhere. They all require little or no planning, and could feasibly be done next week.

    The candidates:

    • Brussel sprouts- I've never had them. Basically I decided not to like them the way many little kids decide not to like things- it was green. But, since I'm now friends with broccoli, it seems like I could perhaps get down with the sprouts.
    • Climb a tree- No, I never learned as a child. I wanted to, but was not much of an outdoorsy girl, and since trees don't grow inside of suburban homes... Yea. This seems like something one should do at some point in their life. Yes, I'm late, but who cares? No time like the present!
    • Red lipstick- There's sposed to be a shade out there for everyone, right? The closest I've ever come was bright pink, which I used to LOVE in my theater days. (Not necessarily saying this was always a good choice.) Now that was bold, but still, pink is not red. I'm wondering if I can pull this off.
    • Cartwheel- For an explanation, see climbing a tree above. Except, add a bit more embarassment because this just seems like a basic skill.
    So yea, if at least 10 people vote, I'll let you all choose my adventure. If not, I'm doing what I darn well please.

    (Note: all of these are on the list, and therefore likely to be done within the year. It's just a matter of when!)

    Monday, August 17, 2009

    A plan takes shape

    Over the weekend, I saw the movie Julie and Julia. I loved the food, and the romance of it all, and Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, but something in particular inspired me about it. The idea that writing and having a blog to hold her accountable basically changed Julie's life.

    Not that my life needs a total overhaul, but, I admit I find myself a bit dull. So, I'm going to take the fledgling thoughts of my last post, and make it bigger. In the next year, starting next week, I am going to get a life, and I'm gonna tell you all (yep, all 3 of you, lol) about it.

    Here's the plan:

    1. I'm giving myself a year deadline. This is partly a rip-off of the movie, and partly just a logical timeline. It makes sense to have a life a little over a year after graduation, and it seems like enough time to become a genuinely interesting person.
    2. Every week, I'm going to have 2 adventures of some sort. Now, some of these will be small adventures, like eating a new kind of food, and others will be much bigger, like the modern dance class I am signing up for. The criteria is just that it be something that could potentially enrich my existence, and that it be something that's out of the ordinary for me.
    3. I will blog about it. This guarantees at least 2 posts a week, but seems like it would necessitate more to describe prep, any after effects, etc.
    Well my faithful readers, let me know if you have any thoughts on this. Between now and Sunday the plan is to come up with at least a preliminary list of the things I'll want to do. I'm thinking it should be a lot of fun. I'm also contemplating ways to make it interactive if I discover that anyone anywhere is paying attention. And, worst case scenario, I'm okay with quiet improvements to my life.

    In summary:
    1. Love Meryl Streep.
    2. I intend to accomplish 104 things in 52 days.
    3. Hopefully this will super fun, and not super lame.
    4. Please leave questions, comments, advice and ideas!
    Oh, and here's a trailer for the movie that's inspired this journey. I thought it was adorable and definitely recommend it, especially for lovers of chick flicks and/or food (the general population, no?).

    Saturday, August 15, 2009

    Gotta go get me a life...

    It is hot. I am overwhelmed by said heat, and must comment on it.
    Now that that's over, on to more navel gazing subjects.

    So, the summer after college is coming to an end, and I have come to some realizations. First, the good news:

    1. The economy did not destroy my life. I actually have a job that I <3
    2. Living at home as an "adult" is not a bad experience, and for the moment I'm quite alright with it.
    3. DC is a pretty great city. There's lots to do and see, and the people on the metro are endlessly fascinating.
    4. I tend to have more than enough money to do at least most of what I want, possibly due to the cheapness of residing at home.
    5. I am generally happy and fulfilled. Yay!
    Now, the not so great news:
    1. Said job is very demanding, and kinda stressful. This stress must be relieved.
    2. Said home is kinda far from life, and requires a commute to most things.
    3. I should probably interact regularly with people who are not from home or job, or anonymous folks on the metro.
    4. Commuting eats up more of that money than I would prefer.
    5. Happiness and fulfillment would probably increase if I got out and did more things.
    The solution I propose is that I get a life. I know, obvious right? Oh, and that I save up money for the next year or so to potentially buy a condo much closer to, if not directly in, the city. But back to this life thing.

    How do you socialize yourself into adulthood, without friends from state school? I of course have my Dukies in DC, and a few other promising fronts, but as far as being an active and contributing member of the world, I need a bit of work. So, I'm contemplating a few things:
    1. Take a fun, random class- dancing, cooking and learning a language come to mind.
    2. Volunteer- dunno doing what, or when I'd have time, but it's on the list
    3. Start singing or performing again
    4. Join a church (this may help with numbers 2 and 3 actually)
    5. Schedule 2 friend dates per week
    So, we'll see what comes of this, and how it all works out. But, now that these things are in writing I will hopefully be more committed to taking action. And the good news for the 2.5 people who read this thing is- it will give me more to write about!

    Saturday, August 1, 2009

    Shout outs!

    There have been requests for shoutouts, and I am quite willing to make a shameless plug and bring in some traffic to the blog, because I'm a member of Generation Y and we like attention.

    Dear ladies of Duke in DC: thanks for a wonderful Thursday. Forever.Duke.
    Dear Abbigator: Told ya, this is just for you!
    While I'm shouting out Dukies: Hi Topeka! (You better read this miss. And let me know when you do.)

    Okay, that's about it for that.

    In other news, it is Saturday and I'm being kinda lame and have no further plans than the cleaning I already completed. This whole work life balance thing is a bit difficult... It seems I have an on and off switch and need to purchase some dimmers. I've decided to flip the work switch on since I got this super great job, and doing all that work makes me very tired come weekends or week nights. Generally, I can make it out in the world for about 1 activity a week (sometimes admittedly less). If there are suggestions for balancing a 45 hour work week, and being a healthy, social 20 something, while still saving money to move out within a couple years and own, not rent, I'd love to hear them.

    Til then, I think I'll take a nap.

    Friday, July 24, 2009

    Still Black in America...

    So a lot has been happening in "Black America" of late (in quotes for those who are ready to get all up in arms about how there is only one America). Chris Brown apologized, Soledad had another special about "us", and President Obama went off message and called the police stupid. And, of course, the vultures continue to feed off Michael. Below, I've written a few letters to a few folks whose addresses I don't own. Because, of course, someone they are out there waiting for my opinion. (Sarcasm.) And because I really like letters. (Sincerity.)


    Dear public who did actually witness Chriannagate,
    Let us all continue to be careful. Let's guard ourselves not to blame the victim when she does not take up the causes we feel she should, and let's avoid judging the sincerity of a young man trapped in a cycle of violence. Let's give them space to be young humans, who make (sometimes heinous, sometimes seemingly inexplicable) mistakes. Let's continue to try and keep our jokes tasteful and hold back our condemnation. And let's hope they both get the help they need.


    Dear White America,
    Please don't think you can learn all you need to know about Black folks from a CNN special. Please don't think that most Black folks even watch CNN with any regularity.
    Please don't ask a Black person about the statistics you saw in Black in America unless your interest is sincere and sustainable.
    Please don't make some inane comment about how we shouldn't even have shows like this, because we shouldn't see the color that I most definitely wear every day.
    Please don't feel guilty for your priviledge, especially if your guilt is idle.
    There's much more I could say to you, but I'm moving on now, because I'm too busy being a productive black woman to dwell on this.


    Dear Media,
    Stop calling it an ever-loving Beer Summit. You are distracting from more important things, and making yourselves look silly. Do not minimize the reality of racial profiling by trivializing what happens daily to minorities and focusing on what the president drinks. And, just because the role race played in this particular case may have overemphasized, do NOT discredit the reality of it. And of all the things Obama said in that press conference, THIS is what you highlighted in your notes?


    Dear Jackson family,
    In case we forget to say so, we as Michael's fans really are terribly sorry for your loss. Forgive us if we get caught up and gawk. We just remain in shock and awe at the life we witnessed that has now been extinguished. Take care of the young ones, and heal yourselves, and, if you have time, reign Joe in.


    Well, that's quite enough on that from me. There is, obviously, much more to be expounded upon with each of these, but I think most of it has been said by now.

    Monday, July 20, 2009

    Today was Monday at the Young Women's Project.
    Well, it was Monday everywhere I suppose, but YWP was where I spent most of the start of the week. It was... uneventful actually. Mondays are quiet for us- no youth, and allegedly a day of planning and adult staff productivity. Like most people who work with youth I'm sure, it seems as though there's never really enough planning time, but we make do. Mondays are also staff meeting day. Despite our anti-bureaucracy stance, they're kinda necessary...

    What, you may ask, is the Young Women's Project?
    Rather than a marginally interesting post on exactly what we do (the disinterest inrecapping it may only be mine, because I seem to do it often), I'll build suspense for a bit and instead tell you how we feel about things. This may also force you to click on the above link out of curiosity, thereby driving traffic to the website and potentially donations? Yes? Pay my salary? I digress... Aaanywho, I give you

    in bullet points:
    We are:
    • pro youth adult partnership
    • supportive of "partners" rather than husbands, boyfriends or live-in lovers
    • pro interdependence
    • pro frameworks, check-ins, write-ups the share-drive
    • pro-sharing, and oblivious to over-sharing
    • pro trainings, assuming their interactiveness
    • also pro chart paper and colorful markers, as a corollary
    • neutral on promptness, but this is situation-dependent
    • pro transparency (though not in the teen staff clothing) and pro accountability
    • anti agression but pro assertiveness
    • anti oppression and pro forward progression
    • in support of work-life balance, and the balance that comes from mastering the tree pose in yoga
    • obviously, pro yoga
    • also, pro tai chi, tae bo and Thai food
    • supportive of ethiopian, vegan and carribean cuisines, as well as Ben's Chili Bowl
    • pro gmail, gchat and google in general
    • in support of peer support groups and support systems, but anti support hose
    • pro sarcasm, but only when tempered by an angelic smile
    • anti beauty culture, but generally in favor of beautiful things
    • pro long lunches and longer walks, also pro long evenings
    • Basically amazing
    Well, that's enough of that for the evening. Time for bed, then Tuesday!

    It's early morning, between my early workout and commute but I had to stop in to say:
    I love a male feminist!

    Basically, former president Jimmy Carter rocks my socks today! This article he wrote for the observer is so spot on, that if I ever meet him I will give him a hug! He looks like the sort of former leader of the free world that you could hug, doesn't he?

    Granted, the pink heart frame totally makes my case, lol.

    Basically, former President Carter lays out the case for why women's subordinate status in many religions, and in daily life around the world, is not a result of inferiority, but rather the power dynamics used by male religious leaders for centuries. I love him for speaking out on this so eloquently. I also love him for pointing out that disagreeing with a religious doctrine was entirely separate from his continued faith. I wish more Christians, and people of all faiths, read their scriptures and discerned for themselves the truth. Rituals and decrees are man's (and I don't necessarily mean that in a gender-inclusive way) interpretations, not necessarily God's will, and that distinction is not made clear often enough. Not that I'm calling for spiritual anarchy here, just noting that a reasoned, thoughtful deviation from your domination is a sign of taking your relationship with your Higher Power seriously. I like it.

    Sunday, July 19, 2009

    Random Ponderance of the Week

    I know there are lots more important things I could write about, and should gather my thoughts on, but something has really been perplexing me, and so I'm taking a friends' suggestion and writing about it.

    What is the purpose of men yelling out of car windows at women who are walking by? Or for that matter, attempting to communicate at all when the two parties are moving incompatibly (i.e. driving in opposite directions, across an intersection, the aforementioned driving v. walking/biking/jogging... you get the idea)?
    Now, I'm not talking about obscenities or catcalls. That's another post, and would inspire more annoyance than curiosity. I am just truly confused about why a man would call out to me while I'm taking my daily lunch break walk, when he's in a car and knows good and well he's not pulling over. I mean, it doesn't stop my fresh air fitness, but I find it silly.

    The action doesn't seem to serve any real purpose- he's not making any sort of real connection- most of the time I can hardly even see his face to remember him, if that was his goal. We don't exchange names, certainly not contact information, and on the days when I'm trying to make a phone call, he's not even likely to get a wave.

    (a fellow confused victim of the drive-by holler)

    I just don't get it. Not that I'm under the delusion that every man is looking for commitment, but like, what could you want that you can get in 5 seconds on a street in the middle of the steam of a DC summer? You aren't going to give me a ride, which is the only incentive I could see for a woman entertaining the nonsense that is a drive-by holler. And why on Earth would you want to roll down your window, letting out all the good air conditioning?
    When this question was posed to a few guys I trust to be honest, they said (after, of
    course assuring me that they NEVER do this) it was pretty much the closest thing to real life facebook. Translation- no risk, because he can drive away before the rejection comes. Hiding behind his steering wheel is probably even more effective than hiding behind a computer screen, since I don't even have a profile to block. Of course, the corollary to this lack of risk is a lack of success. You will, 87% of the time, get nothing of substance from this interaction. (That 87% is for the women this MUST work on or it wouldn't have become a technique.) In fact, with women of temperaments other than mine, you're likely to get annoyance instead of amusement, which would seem to be the opposite of the goal of such interaction...

    But, perhaps this isn't really about anything of "substance." Perhaps it's just an attempt to be heard in an anonymous world? Like a real-time facebook status, maybe these guys just want someone to know they're there... I guess I don't begrudge them that, I mean, everybody needs somebody, and maybe that's the closest they get.

    Still, I gotta put this up there with facebook poking- wasteful and odd, and pretty much pointless. Thumbs down guys, thumbs down.

    Saturday, June 13, 2009

    I'm Back!

    Dear blogosphere,

    I have been absent for quite some time, doing little things like finishing my bachelor's and getting a degree, founding an organization, keeping my head on straight and getting my first job. I know that these are poor excuses for neglecting the 2.5 people who may have enjoyed reading this, but I shall do better.

    Upcoming posts:

    • What I really learned at Duke.
    • How much I LOVE my new job for the summer.
    • How much I'll love my new job in the fall? (Whatever that ends up being.)
    • Randomness, per usual.